21 Oktober 2009

Narsis Dulu Ahhh

Narsis Dulu Ahhh

Three names I go by (besides given name)
1. Jaajaa..Jaaaak....
2. Anjang
3. Adek (like this hahaha)

4. Ye mama

Three Jobs I have had in my life

1. CEO Loetcu (my business handicraft in SMA)
2. Writer in Campus Mag
3. Drafter in Interior Consultant

Three Places I have lived
1. Surabaya
2. Batam
3. Bandung

Three Songs You Can't Stop Singing
1. Merah Saga
2. Princess Hours Ost - A Dancing Teddy
3. Lagu gerobak Susu Murni Nasional

Three Favorite drinks
1. Teh anget
2. Air putih dingin
3. Bajigur

Three TV Shows that I watch
1. News (with Jeremy Teti hohoho)
2. Acara Masak2
3. Opera van Java

Three places I have been (the 3 I liked most)
1. Madiun i'm lovin it
2. KL
3. Lombok

Three Places I want to go & have never been:
1. Korea oh Korea
2. Mecca
3. Puncak Jayawijaya -Irian

People that call me regularly
1. Mamas
2. Papas
3. si Mas

Three of my favorite foods
1. Krecek
2. Krupuks
3. Dendeng Balado

Three of my favorite books
1. Al Qur'an
2. Human dimention and interior space by Julius panero
3. My diary (yeaaay)

Three of my favorite movies [just three?]
1. Ar Risalah
2. August Rush
3. a Pursuite of Happiness

Three friends I think will respond (about me?)
1. independent
2. ceroboh
3. Jutek (hahahha)

Three Things I am looking forward to
1. Final Project
2. Find the Job
3. Married (o..ow..really it's the third priority?)

Three Things I Always Have Beside Me
1. Handphone
2. Wallet
3. Hand Sanitizer

Enough ahhhh ;)

2 komentar:

morisa mengatakan...

and the one whos create anjang is me.hahahahahah

Anonim mengatakan...

iya daah..trus 'Jambol' darimana ya?? heehee