25 Mei 2010


Heiyyy.... this is my latest project....

I've made interior design a house that was made for an outlet store with modern n cozy nuance

I was doing in the middle of the TA pressure.. (oh la laa TA..u make me crazy for all !)
hopefully this is not just a picture, but it could become a reality..amiennn...
thanks for Mr. Agung  who has given confidence in me....

I wait for criticism and suggestions from you all.. 

so guys, let's enjoy designing and working!

location: Tanjung Pinang
Owner : Mr. Agung Hermawan

3 komentar:

nophe yg baek mengatakan...

kemaren aq ke pinang tak sempat pula datang ke KAOSPINANG.
bulan juni ni ajalah... ke sana lagi.

Kaospinang.com mengatakan...

Keren abis! Mudah2an bisa cepet di renov outlet kaospinang yang sekarang...:)

Nophe:boleh, ditunggu kedatangannya yaa.. Bulan Juni kita mo buka outlet #2 di engku putri batu 4..Insya Allah..

Btw, Oryza, u're so talented! thanks God for that!

oryza mengatakan...

@nophe: sibuk ya phe bolak-balik batam - pinang
@Mr. Agung : amiennn..smoga bisa direnov segera... kalo mantan anak rohis smansa batam yg beli kasi diskon ya pak ahahayyy